Information for families and carers

If you are a carer or family member, learn about what supports are available to you.

Independent Mental Health Advocacy is a service which supports people who are receiving, or at risk of receiving, compulsory mental health treatment. We are not funded to work with family members or carers and cannot advocate on your behalf.

However there are orqanisations that can support you.

The role of families and carers

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 recognises and supports the important role of carers and families in supporting their family member in their assessment, treatment and recovery.

If you are a carer or family member, visit the Department of Health website for information on what the law says about:

  • how and when your views as a carer are considered
  • when you must be notified of changes to treatment orders or other treatment
  • information sharing and disclosure to carers and family members
  • the roles of 'nominated persons' and carers.

These organisations may be able to assist:

To hear about carer and family member experiences of using supported decision-making to care for someone, visit Healthtalk Australia's digital resource Mental Health: Carers' Experiences.

Getting support for a family member

To find out whether we can assist a family member or a person that you are caring for contact us:
